Javascript is the best programming language from past to present. It is the basic technology for developing applications to small and high-level companies. Previously it is used for front-end development and right now it used for back-end and even cross-platform development also.
Newly server-side platforms are getting more popularity. Faster development, performance & etc are advantages of using server-side platforms. Programming platform choosing is based on multiple factors like scalability, speed, learning curve, support, community, and etc.
Node js is an open source javascript, cross-platform which is built on Chrome's V8 for developing quick and flexible network applications. Non-blocking I/O & event-driven model makes Node.js effective and speedy.npm, ecosystem in Node.js are the biggest ecosystem of open source libraries in the global
In the IT market, Node.js is a great milestone and developers show interest because of its rapidness and tremendous performance. There are several causes for the developers to utilize Node.js for application development like multi-user and proficiency speed. Technology that is using by different companies is Node.js.Popular companies like Paypal, Uber and etc are tested and adopted node.js in their development
It is fast and community friendly
V8 engine by Google is used by Node.js.It is written in javascript and famous for its extraordinary running speed. Running speed of the code so much faster and enhance the speed of any framework are the benefits of node.js.It is a rich, open source community that has performed many great modules. This makes the Node.js applications successful
It requires a low learning curve
If you select Node.js for development. It is very helpful to share one language for both server and client side.No need to use the number of developers for maintaining the server and switching between front-end and back-end
Companies are experiencing a lot of advantages like full-stack development, chance to reuse or share the code, productivity enhancement & knowledge sharing with team etc..It need only less code and files for front-end and back-end when compare to others. As a result, there is a reduction in risks and code and enhancement in engineering speed.
Node.js serves as a proxy server
Node.js is utilized as a proxy because of its sufficient features and number of services with variations in their response time. It is also used to run data from various sources. Say For instance if a server-side application is used for communicating with third-party resources, gathering data, saving images, then it is used as a proxy server if a company wants its professional proxy infrastructure
Node fits in real-time applications
At High-speed,Node.js can develop real-time web applications. Chats and gaming apps are amazing features in web developing real-time applications. The event-driven structure outfits both the server-side and client-side when the code is written in Nodejs.Web socket protocol works with TCP which is helpful to limits the overhead of HTTP for web development and manages the multi-user function.
It is mobile friendly
Development speed, response time, competitive edge and relevance are the sever matters in Startups.Node.js is very helpful to the start-up companies. Efficiency and Flexibility of this technology helps a lot while
controlling the increasing volume of mobile traffic, protecting the server from malfunctioning and sharing the load. Developers can easily build required features of responsive websites with high speed.
Node.js encourages data Streaming
Http request and response are two separate events that are admitted to the web platform. but they are really data streams. Node js generates the best features at the time of uploading or processing files. It will reduce the overall time for processing. The same can also be used at the time of real-time video & audio recording.
If you are a startup and it is not easy to work with node js and seeking for the Node js development company for your enterprise. Fusion Informatics is the right choice. It is the best app development company in Ahmedabad can develop the best node js applications from bottom to top by using latest technologies
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